These are merely sketches for now; originally what I had in mind was something more detailed, but ya' gotta start somewhere. And one of the reasons I'm posting these sketches, is a way of encouraging myself to actually complete this project; hopefully before or by the end of summer.
Technically this is not a random piece that I have sketched; it's something I was inspired to create. It started off as whimsical banter, but then that night I thought and said "...that would be awesome to draw..." I didn't really make a promise but really based upon feelings it's something I want to develop and create. So for a little over a month I have been thinking and drafting....
So as of now, sketch,sketch,sketch......

This work in progress is definitely revealing my rustiness, and I think it will help me overcome my rustiness.
So here is to my inspiration (or muse).... hope she doesn't mind....
[time is 4:10AM]
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